

IxblueiXBlue Photonics helps photonics engineers all around the world to get the most out of the light by providing high performance, innovative and reliable photonic solutions. We offer specialty fibers, Bragg gratings and optical modulation solutions based on the company integrated modulators for a variety of applications including : optical communications, fiber lasers and amplifiers, fiber optics sensors, space and sciences.

iXBlue Photonics results from the acquisition and merging of the former companies iXFiber and Photline. The expanded team, fully dedicated to photonics, masters key technologies including fiber preform processing, fiber drawing, waveguide wafer processing, RF design and components packaging. Gathered in a single organization, this team is in a strong position to leverage its synergies and offer new and more complete fiber optics solutions to its customers.

Discovery SCDiscovery Semiconductors, Inc. is an industry leader in manufacturing ultrafast, high optical power handling InGaAs photodetectors, RF over fiber optical receivers, balanced optical receivers, 2 micron extended wavelength photodetectors, and several custom products for applications ranging from analog RF links to ultrafast digital communications. Discovery began operations in 1993 and has grown into a global enterprise by leading the market with high-technology products for 10, 25, 40, and 100 Gb applications. Discovery's instrumentation and systems include the Lab Buddy and Optical Coherent Receiver System. Since 1998, Discovery Semiconductors maintains a world class clean room facility for manufacturing high reliability products for telecom, datacom, avionics and aerospace applications.

AnritsuAnritsu solutions for Signal Integrity are used in the different steps of the development of electrical or optical components/systems.They are providing physical measurements, not simulation, where generators & detectors are needed.
They enable you to perform tests on high speed rate up to 64 GBauds or high frequency up to 145 GHz.
Vector Network Analysers - Large Frequency Range, S-parameters, Time Domain, Network Extraction and De-embedding, Eye Diagrams in VNAs, Crosstalk, Noise Figure, E/O & O/E …
Signal Quality Analysers (SQA) NRZ & PAM4 up to 64 GBauds – including specific functions: Pre-emphasis, ISI, CTLE, Jitter, Noise amplitude, O/E & E/O – supporting several protocols like PCI-E, USB, TBT…
E/O Sampling Oscilloscopes for digital signals NRZ & PAM4 up to 56 GBauds.


apexAPEX Technologies offers a range of high performance optical test devices for use in the telecommunication industries and research laboratories, including Ultra High Resolution Optical Spectrum Analyzers (down to 5 MHz/0.04 pm resolution), Optical Modulation Analyzers and Optical Multi-Test Platforms (Polarimeters, Grating OSAs, Tunable Laser Sources, DFB Lasers, Optical Power Meters, Optical Amplifiers,  Variable Attenuators, Tunable filters, Switches).

APEX Technologies propose une large gamme d’appareil de test optique à haute performance destinés aux industries de télécommunication et aux laboratoires de recherche. On propose notamment les analyseurs de spectre optique à ultra-haute résolution (jusqu'à 5 MHz / 0.04 pm), les analyseurs de modulation optique et les plateformes multi-tests optiques (Polarimètres, Analyseur de spectre optique à réseaux, Laser accordables, Lasers DFB, Puissance mètres optiques, Amplificateurs optiques, Atténuateurs variables, Filtres accordables, switches).


nanogigaNano-Giga est un distributeur et de conseil à valeur ajoutée de composants et systèmes axés sur la Photoniques et hyperfréquences. Nous fournissons des solutions qui s’étendent du composant à la solution complète.

- Nos clients:                                                                                                         
Il s’agit d'instituts de recherche, de laboratoires publics ou privés, de PME ou de grands groupes internationaux qui interviennent dans les domaines de l’Optique, l'Optoélectronique,le laser, l'éclairage, le spatial, l'Avionique, le Médical, la Défense, l'Instrumentation, les Semi-conducteurs…
- Nos fournisseurs:                                                                                                
Ils sont européens, nord-américains ou sud-est asiatiques et ont tous des noms reconnus dans leur domaine d’expertise. De plus, ils sont soucieux d’évoluer dans les technologies d’avenir et consacrent une part importante de leur activité dans le développement de nouvelles technologies.

- Solutions à valeur ajoutée pour des applications scientifiques et industrielles :
Nano-Giga  doit fournir non seulement des produits qui répondent aux spécifications du client, mais suggèrent de façon proactive des solutions qui peuvent être encore radicalement différentes de celles demandées par le client. Nous travaillons avec des clients, des fournisseurs et des partenaires qui croient en des relations d'affaires à long terme pour le bénéfice mutuel


SercaloThe company Sercalo Microtechnology Ltd was founded in 1999 and is a leader in MEMS products for fiber-optic telecommunication. Sercalo designs, manufactures, and sells fiber optic components based on MEMS technology since more than 15 years.
The production site in Neuchâtel, Switzerland maintains a fully equipped state of the art MEMS fabrication facility.
Main products are switches and variable optical attenuators for applications in fiber optic,

- telecommunication networks
- test & measurement equipment’s
- sensing equipment´s
- medical and aerospace sector

with a proven track record of 100’000s of fiber-optic MOEMS products shipped and installed since 1999.

Currently Sercalo offers a broad range of approximately 40 different switching and attenuator products. Ranging from simple 1x2 switches up to  1x36 switches in single and multimode configurations, to integrated 4x4 and 8x8 switch matrices and 1x4 PM switches.
The newest product line is the magnetically actuated large aperture MEMS 2D scanning system for LIDAR applications.

lumibirdLUMIBIRD is one of the world's leading specialists in lasers.
With 50 years of experience and expertise in 3 key technologies - solid-state lasers, laser diodes and fiber lasers - the group designs, manufactures and markets high performance lasers for scientific (laboratories and universities), industrial (manufacturing, defense, Lidar sensors) and medical (ophthalmology) markets.

Resulting from the October 2017 merger between Keopsys and Quantel groups, LUMIBIRD, is listed on the stock exchange.
With its 400 employees, LUMIBIRD is present in France, USA, Japan and China.



MorePhotonicsMorePhotonics supplies european engineers with cutting edge photonics solutions so they get the most out of their photons, and, in turn, can conduct successful research projects, develop innovative solutions and produce top quality products.

With the support of its selected principals and thanks to a 30-year experience in photonics and high-technology, MorePhotonics is the partner of choice for research teams, development and production groups who demand the best of the available photonics technology.

AmonicsAmonics is the international leading specialist in the design and production of optical amplifiers and light sources.
Our optical amplifier product line includes Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFAs), Ytterbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers (YDFAs), Raman Amplifiers and Hybrid Raman-EDFA Amplifiers, for transmission over metropolitan and long haul fiber optic communication networks. Our broadband light sources encompass Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE), 1050nm ASE, and Superluminescent Diode (SLED) broadband sources for optical component characterization and fiber-optic sensing applications.

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